Selasa, 07 April 2020

Indonesiana: Briefing On Indonesian Arts And Culture Volume 1

Dimitria, Ernest (2014) Indonesiana: briefing on Indonesian arts and culture volume 1. Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Jakarta. ISBN 9772506806005

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Buku ini ditulis atau dipublikasikan oleh Dimitria, Ernest (2014) Indonesiana: briefing on Indonesian arts and culture volume 1. Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Jakarta. ISBN 9772506806005 pada tahun 2014
  • Judul Buku: Indonesiana: Briefing On Indonesian Arts And Culture Volume 1
  • Jenis file: Buku
  • Dalam Divisi: Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan , Direktorat Warisan dan Diplomasi Budaya
  • Diupload pada tanggal: 28 Nov 2019 08:00
  • Terakhir Update pada tanggal: 28 Nov 2019 08:00

Abstract Buku

What comes across your mind when you hear the word Indonesia? Is it Bali and its beautiful beaches? Or is it Yogyakarta and its proud cultural heritage? When Indonesian culture receives global recognition, it makes us proud, and when people wish to get to know Indonesia and its cultural essence a little better, we hope that we can be of help. Indonesia is is rather difficult to sum up in a short sentence and a much larger volume would be required in order to describe this country of 17,000 island, three time zones and hundreds of local languages, a country whose unique values can take years to explore. We are very proud however to present Indonesiana, a bulletin which is aimed squarely at introducing just a small part of Indonesian culture to the world at large. We should stress that this is just an introduction though, so please use this volume as just a beginning point in a bid to pursue further explorations of this amazing country. In this edition, we present subak heritage from Bali, the ancient literature of the lontar tradition and After the Curfew, a classic Indonesian movie that has just been restored and reintroduced to the world.


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